Please note that MPM is not a diving or ROV contractor and does not have any direct diving or ROV related positions.
MPM is in need of qualified project managers, and technical support personnel. Presently we have both full time, and project based (part time) positions available. Full time positions are office based and require that the successful candidate work primarily at our Ojai, California offices, with minimal offshore time. MPM also has project based positions available which are ideal for individuals with the flexibility to work on projects intermittently, at field sites and/or utilizing virtual home offices linked to our server.
All MPM applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.
Below is a list of current open positions. Please submit your resume by email to
Inside/Outside Sales Account Manager – Seeking a self directed sales person to fill a new sales position in Houston, Texas. The successful candidate will represent and present our company to the Gulf of Mexico offshore oil and gas market, and will be responsible for new business development, and direct sales relationships with current and prospective clients.
Project Engineer – The successful candidate will possess an engineering degree, and have minimum of 15 years experience in the marine industry with a strong background in underwater pipeline IMR and DOT pipeline compliance. Computer and technical writing skills are a must as duties will include developing and updating IMR specifications, bid specifications, and compliance databases. This is a full time position at the MPM offices which will require minimal offshore days.
Project Manager – The successful candidate will have a minimum of 15 years experience in the marine industry. A strong background in construction diving and ROV operations project management with a high emphasis on pipeline, platform and mooring system IMR is required. Additionally, computer skills are required as daily reports and job costing, and time sheets are computer based. This is a project based position that requires primarily offshore days, and little time at the MPM offices.
Technician – Candidates such as cathodic protection technicians, surveyors/ navigators, or ROV ET’s with a minimum of 5 years experience in the marine industry and strong background in computers and testing equipment will fill our requirements. This is a full time position requiring approximately 40% time at the MPM offices, and 60% offshore time. Primary duties will include assisting in cathodic protection surveys, along with data collection and reporting during and after platform and pipeline inspections.
Please note that MPM is a Drug Free Work Place and conducts pre-hire screenings in accordance with our Anti-Drug Implementation Plan